മത്സരത്തിലെ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്


Questions – 39


  1. She is a …….. old lady
    1. Virtual b) virtuous       c) virtually       d) virtue
    2. He was informed………. the serious condition of his father.

(a) of           (b) about          (c) to    (d) on

  1. A person chosen to settle the issue between parties engagedin a dispute is……

(a) altruist   (b) erudite       (c) arbitrator    (d) accomplice

  1. Choose the correct sentence

(a) 1 am thinking of visiting Kovalam

(b) I am thinking to visit Kovalam

(c) I am thinking of to visit Kovalam

(d) 1 am thinking to visiting Kovalam

  1. OBSEQUIOUS’ means:

(a) Funeral rites          (b) excessively respectful        (c) warm and friendly

(d) dangerous

  1. If I had time, I……… the exhibition.

(a) Shall visit   (b) will visit     (c) should have visited            (d) should visit

  1. It is fourteen years since I …….. him

(a) see              (b) saw                        (c) seen            (d) have been seeing

  1. He …… madness to escape punishment

(a) feigned       (b) fanned       (c) feeds          (d) farrowed

  1. Mother wit means

(a) To speak frankly    (b) A lady who tells comic stories      (c) To be obsessed by

Something (d) Natural common sense

  1. Find out the correctly spelt word:

(a) occurrence              (b) occurrence             (c) occurranceq            (d) occurance

  1. The operation………..his pain, but the injection alleviated it. (Choose the word opposite in

meaning to the word underlined)

(a) acquitted                (b) departed                (c) discouraged           (d) aggravated

  1. Pack: wolves…. books

(a) group          (b) flight          (c) pile             (d) bunch

  1. “Don’t sleep late and miss the bus” said Mr. Varma. (Choose the correctreported speech)

(a)Mr. Varma advised us not to sleep late and miss the bus

(b) Mr. Varma advises us not to sleep late and miss the bus

(c) Mr. Varma advised us to sleep late and miss the bus

(d) Mr. Varma advised us not to sleep late and missed the bus

  1. Some of us wanted to stay longer,………..?

(a) didn’t we?              (b) did we?      (d) did they     (c) didn’t us?

  1. The shopkeeper affered is exchange the goods. The shopkeeper offers to refund the

money (Combine using either or)

(a) The shopkeeper offered to either exchange the goods or to refund the money

(b) The shopkeeper offered either to exchange the goods of refund to the money

(c) The shopkeeper offered ether to exchange the goods or the money

(d) The shopkeeper offered either to exchange the goods or to refund the money

  1. Which of the following is not a compound noun?

(a) horse power  (b)   shoe-maker        (b) master-piece           (d) cross-examine

  1. I have never known so wet …….. summer

(a) the              (b) a                 c) a                  d) none of these

  1. I ……..the examination, but my brother failed

(a) hold on       (b) got through            (c) went off                 d) gave up

  1. We …… meet you at ten o’clock

(a) will have    (b) would have            (c) will             (d) would

  1. For all her reticence and modesty, it was clear that she was a ……. expert in her field
  • Bon mot (b) bon vivant              (c) priori          (d) bona fide
  1. Choose the correct one word for the underlined part He is in debts because of his habit of

spending money wastefully

(a) exonerated                         (b) extravagance          (c) exaltation               (d) extraction

  1. The umbrella is:
  • Your (b) my              (c) yours          (d) them
  1. The opposite of borrow is:

(a) give            (b) lend            (c) grant           (d) forgive

  1. The word which has the same meaning of “prominence” is:
  • Polonaise (b) greatness   (c) progress      (d) importance
  1. ….. cricket is my favourite pass time.

(a) Play            (b) Played        (c) Playing       (d) Plays

  1. Which one is the correct spelling?.

(a) Pneumonia             (b) Neumonia              (c) Pumonia     (d) Pnuemonia

  1. They neglected the teacher’s:

(a) advise        (b) advize        (c) advice        (d) advaise

  1. Criticism of other religions hatred and violence among Indians.

(a) dead end to           (b) bear fruit to            (c) ones conscience pricks one

(d) fan the flame of

  1. A duke’s wife is known as:

(a) duchess      (b) queen         (c) lady duke   (d) lass

  1. I cannot……what he is saying.

(a) make in      (b) put off       (c) make out    (d) put up

  1. Either the students or their teacher….. come.
  • has been (b) have           (c) has              (d) had been
  1. Of his two sons Reghu is the……….

(a) taller           (b) talles          (c) tall              (d) taller than

  1. ……..novel that you gave me is very interesting.

(a) an               (b)        (c) Those         d) the

  1. ……….he borrow the money yesterday?

(a) did             (b) does           (c) can             (d) Would

  1. I am not late,……..I?

(a) was             (b) is                (c) are              (d) am

  1. Have you………money on you?

(a)Sure             (b) Such           (c)Their            (d)Any

  1. When I arrived at the school, the bell……
  • Rang (B)  rang          (c)   Had rung    (d)  running
  1. If it rains, we…… the game.
  • Should postpone
  • Could postpone
  • Shall postpone
  • Had postponed
  1. She had a passion……dance.
  • To
  • With
  • Of
  • For
  1. My mother asked me……I had not finished the work.

(a) whether      (b) when          (c) How           (d)  Why

  1. Mr. Manoj ……… the work in November last year.

(a)  start          (b)  started      (c)  will start        (d)  have started

  1. Find the exact word which means ‘that happens now and then’

(a)  occasional (b)  frequent      (c)  often        (d)  gradual

  1. An article is wrongly used here. Find the word:

(a)  a flower    (b)  an African      (c)  a furniture        (d)  the Ganges

  1. His actions are.
  2.  a) destroyer  (b) destruction    (c)      destructive   (d) destroyed
  3. He is jealous ………. his friend’s success.

(a) with            (b) on   (c) of    (d) by

46 . They went to a film, …………

(a) did they?    (b) didn’t they?           (c) do they?     (d) haven’t hey?

  1. When I reached the station, the train:

(a) he had left (b) have left     (c) left             (d) will leave

  1. Antonym of ‘accept”.

(a) refuse         (b) rebuke        (c) receive        (d) reject

  1. Synonym of ‘cautious”:

(a) Beware       (b) Careful       (c)  Casual       (d) Calm

  1. Plural of ‘knife’
  • Knives
  • Knifes
  • Knifs
  • Knivfes
  1. Which is the …… city of India?
    1. Big
    2. biggest
    3. c) Bigger
  • Most biggest
  1. John and his brother …….. hard.

(a) working

(b)  Will be work

  • Work

(d) Works


  1. All The milk ………. Sour
  • Was
  • Were
    1. Are

(d)  has

  1. Add a prefix to get the opposite meaning of the word ‘able’

(a) disable    (b) inable    (c) unable    (d) misable

  1. The word ‘martial’ means:
  • Of marriage
  • Upholding law
  • Relating to war
  • rule or doctrine
  1. Plural of ‘manservant”:
  • Manservants
  • Menservant
  • menservants
  • mensservants
  1. Select an uncountable noun from the following:
  • pin
  • poem
  • train
  • poetry
  1. Which of the following words are wrongly paired?

(a)  Hunter-Huntress        (b) Bridegroom-Bride             (c)  Sultan-Sultana

(d)  Bull-Bully

  1. “Thieves broke into her house’ here the phrase ‘broke into’ means:

(a) begin suddenly           (b) enter by force        (c) collapse      (d) split into parts

  1. ‘Panorama’ has the meaning :

(a) wild and noisy disorder          (b) wide sight without interruption

(c) whatever happens by chance  (d) what cannot be understood

  1. The Science of meaning and effects of words is called……

(a) verbology               (b) semantics   (d) correlative science

(c) phonetics

  1. “bona fide” means ………..

(a) in good condition  (b) not true     (c) in good faith          (d) good natured

  1. Correctly spelt word is

(a) nocturnal                (b)   Vociferuos           (c)  Benafactor                        (d)  Clamarous

  1. The opposite of stagnant is ……….
  • Stable
  • Straight

(c) mobile

(d) not strong

  1. ‘to show white feathers’ means ……..

(a) to show fear           (b) to show the attractive side

(c) be on the winning side       (d)  You are welcome


  1. It was a nice idea of you……… that house.

(a) buying        (b) to buying               (c) to buy         (d) bought

  1. The guard….. by the loud noise of the burglar’s alarm

(a) woke up     b) woken up    ( c) wake up    (d)  was woken up

  1. The Prime Minister ……… the President to clarify the matter in detail

(a) called at     (b) called on    (c) call by        (d) call with

  1. Oh ! She was treating the strange boy ……. he was her own son
  2. a) as if (b) as       (c) as good as          (d) whatever
  3. …….we were very busy with the rehersal, we didn’thave enough time to meet you

(a) When         (b) While         (c) As              (d) Because

  1. This year’s monsoon has been…….in the last two decades.

(a) the good     (b) the worst    c) the better     (d) best

  1. _________ the Panchayath President nor the members attended the meeting

(a) Neither       (b) Either         (c) Both           (d) Neither of

  1. Which part of the sentence is incorrect?

She has just completed a five years integrated PG course

(a) She has just completed

(b) a

(c) five years

(d) integrated PG course

  1. They _____ the same mistake four times this month.

(a) made         (b) have made                         (c) had made       (d) are making

  1. Drivers must conform _____ traffic rules to avoid accidents.

(a) with            (b) for              (c) to                (d) in

  1. If you had gone there, you_____ the clear picture of the incident.

(a) should get  (b) should have got     (c) have got     (d)  get

  1. When was ___Radio invented?

(a) the              (b) a                 (c) an               (d) one

  1. The news ______really going to shake the Government to the roots.

(a) were           (b) was           (c) are              (d) do

  1. The project was highly rewarding to the people, _______

(a) was it?        (b) were it?      (c) wasn’t it?   (d) will it?

  1. The rider swirled the whip and horse jumped up _____ a white cloud of dust

(a) rising          (b) rose up      (c) raising        (d) riasing

  1. The child was unwilling to part ______his toys
  • for
  • at
  • on
  • with
  1. It is _______book that won the prize.
  • a
  • the
  • an
  • any
  1. It was the Picture _______ I’ve ever seen.

(a) most beautiful  (b) more beautiful       (c)  beautiful                (d)  less beautiful

  1. There was no means of conveyance there, so we Walk
  • must
  • will
  • had to
  • may
  1. Plants ______ More quickly in summer than in winter.
  • grows
  • are grow
  • grow
  • growing
  1. He asked where she _____Going
  • is
  • will be
  • Has been
  • Was
  1. Mr. John ______ ill for two weeks. He is still in hospital
  • is
  • Has been
  • Was
  • Had been
  1. He doesn’t likeGeography, ______ ?
  • Does he?
  • Do he?
  • Doesn’t he?
  • Don’t he?
  1. He advised me _______ the army.
  • Joining
    1. To join
  • Join
  • To joining
  1. The plane was Crashed and the passengers _________
  • Perished
  • Were perished
  • are perished
  • Is perished
  1. Collect the _______from all possible sources.
  • Datas
  • Pieces of data

(c) data

  • Datae
  1. A make _______ Shelter was made for the refugees.
  • Shift
  • Up
  • belief
  • Off


  1. When did the accident _______ ?
    1. Come up
    2. Come in
  • Come on
  • Come off

. 94. The firm progressed

  • ways and means
  • Heart and soul
  • Hue and cry
  • by leaps and bounds
  1. Ultrasonic waves _______ able the bats to locate objects:

(a) in    (b) dis             c) en                (d) Un

  1. Select the word closest in meaning to the word ‘ado’:

(a) calm           (b) fuss           (c) soft             (d) peace

  1. Opposite of the word ‘action’ is ______

(a) inaction      (b) enaction     (c) disaction    (d) nonaction

  1. Which of the following words is wrongly spelt?
  • Pandemonium (b) quintessence         (c) ambiguous              (d)  Anasthesia
  1. Albert Einstein was a person with very high intelligence and great abilities

(a) scientist      (b) genius        (c) philosopher            d) visionary

Select the one-word equivalent of the words underlined:.

  1. The union leader was a skilfull and expert negotiator.

(a) adept

(b) adapt

(c) adopt

(d) inept

  1. An excursion to Bangalore ______ by the school.

(a) is being organised              (b) are been organised             (c) is been organised

(d) are been organised

  1. Which one is correctly spelt?

(a) Vacum       (a) Vaccum     (c) Vacuum     (d) Vaccuum

  1. He ________ to the market daily

(a)  go              (b) had gone    (c) goes            (d) has gone

  1. If you work hard ………….

(a) you will pass          (b) you would pass      c) you would have passed

(d) You would have pass

  1. The tourist spotted a ……….. of lions.

(a) pride           (b) herd           (c) pack           (d) flock

  1. Is the favourite leisure activity.

(a) to read        (b) to reading  (c) reading       (d) read

  1. Shyam Is a person who loves money but hates spending. What will you call him?
  • Capitalist
  • Philanthropist
  • Miser
  • Economist


  1. This year we had Sufficient rain.
  • Im
  • In
  • Dis
  • Un
  1. Glass is Transparent whereas wood is …….
  • Translucent
  • Vague
  • Opaque
  • Clear
  1. I looked the number in the telephone directory.
  • On
  • Up
  • In
  • Of
  1. She proved herself very At playing chess.
  • Adopt
  • Adapt
  • Adept going to Japan.
  • None of these
  1. One of my friends …………. going to Japan.

(a) are

  • is
  • Will
  • Were
  1. Slander means:
  • To praise
  • To applaud
  • to defame
  • to commend
  1. His academic performance should be taken into account. Replace the underlined

the words with a suitable option

(a) concerned

(b) considered

(c) preferred

(d) checked

  1. Pick out a word that means ‘formed or created with a special purpose’

(a) adhere

(b) ad hoc

(c) advent

(d) admonish

  1. He returned afterhour.

(a) the

(b) a

(c) an

(d) no article

  1. I am tiredworking.

(a) of

(b) to

(c) on

(d) in

  1. Riny is………… than Sheen

(a) more courageous

(b) most courageous

(c) courage

(d) very courageous

  1. Rekha will have tea…………..
  • will she?

(b) will no she?

(c) she will?

(d) won’t she?

  1. The stranger asked Sarah where she…………

(a) lived

(b) live

(c) has lived

(d) have lived

Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets and fill in the blanks:

  1. When Raju reached the hall, the meeting… (have) already… (begin)

( a) have, begun

(b) has, begun

(c) had, begun

(d) have, beginning

  1. While in Mumbai, he was…… at a five star hotel.

(a) put in

(b) put up

(c) put about

(d) put by

  1. Let us have a cupof tea…

(a) Can we?

(b) Shan’t we?

(c) Should we?

(d) Shall we?

124.I congratulate you…… your success

(a) on

(b) for

(c) in

(d) by

  1. Which is the word equal in meaning to ‘Pester”?

(a) Disturb

(b) Follow

(c) Interfere

(d) Interrupt

  1. ‘He replied that he will come which is the incorrect wordin the sentence?

(a) he

(b) replied

(c) come

(d) will

  1. Which of the following is correctly spelt?

(a) Castastrophy

(b) Catastrophe

(c) Cataostrophe

(d) Catestrophe

  1. Opposite word of ‘ shallow¹?

(a) hollow

(b) hidden

(c) deep

(d) near

  1. Censure has the meaning

(a) Charge

(b) Blame

(c) Disapproval

(d) Attack

130………… knowledge is a dangerous thing.

(a) A little

(b) Little

(c) A few

(d) Some

  1. ……… man wishes to be happy

(a) Each

(b) Any

(c) Every

(d) All

  1. Numismatics: is the study of

(a) desert

(b) seeds

(c) comets

(d) coins

  1. This is the man………. purse was lost inthe bus.

(a) who

(b) whom

(c) which

(d) whose

  1. As you sow,………..you reap

(a) as

(b) that

(c) so

(d) thus


  1. which of the following do not belong to the group:

(a) govern

(b) act

(c) nourish

(d) appoint

  1. Which of the following words came into English from Malayalam?

(a) copra

(b) road

(c) book

(d) mango

  1. He diedhis own hands.

(a) of

(b) by

(c) from

(d) with

  1. In which of the following words ‘en’ is not used as a prefix?

(a) enlist

(b) encourage

(c) engulf

(d) envy

  1. Which of the following is wrongly paired?

(a) warden-wardress

(b) master-mistress

(c) window-widow

(d) fox-vixen

  1. Chicken hearted’ means:

(a) honestly

(b) friendly

(c) fearfully

(d) merrily

  1. Let me have a look, ? _____
  • do you
  • will you
  • have you
  • haven’t you
  1. Would you mind? _____

(a) opening the window

  • open the window
  • opened the window
  • to open the window
  1. The teacher asked the students ______

(a) who are absent today

(b) who were absent today

(c) who are absent that day

(d) who were absent that day



  1. Rajesh the bank in 1990.

(a) has joined

(b) have joined

(c) is joined

(d) joined

  1. Have you got an electric blanket _____ your bed.

(a) in

(b) at

(c) on

(d) for

  1. He decided to fight for justice _____

(a) in all costs.

(b) at all costs

(c) to all costs

(d) from all costs

  1. There is a policeman standing ______

(a) at the corner

(b) in the corner

(c) on the corner

(d) above the corner

  1. If I have the money _______ a car.

(a) I would buy

(b) I will buy

(c) I would have bought

(d) bought

  1. I always _______my revision notes just before I got into an examination.

(a) go in

(b) go at

(c) go over

(d) go on

  1. The belief that God is everything and everything is God _______

(a) Pantheism

(b) Atheism

(c) Monotheism

(d) Polytheism

  1. The word nearest in meaning to ‘Futile’ _____

(a) fruitful

(b) Profitable

(c) angry

(d) vain

  1. The correctly spelt word is ____

(a) embarrassment

(b) embarassment

(c) embarrassment

(d) emberassment

  1. The antonym of ‘Barbarous’ is _____

(a) savage

(b) civilized

(c) Rule

(d) Harsh

  1. ‘Go to the dogs’ means

(a) be ruined

(b) search

(c) go after the dogs

(d) run fast

  1. A fleet of 20 ___

(a) stars

(b) ants

(c) cattles

(d) ships

  1. Snakes _____

(a) Hoot

(b) Hiss

(c) Squeak

(d) Grunt

  1. _______ his popularity, he didn’t win the election.

(a) Though

(b) Although

(c) Inspite of

(d) Despite of

  1. Copper is ______ useful metal.

(a) an

(b) the

(c) that

(d) a

  1. Teaching is a ______ profession.

(a) respectable

(b) respective

(c) respectful

(d) respectfully

  1. You had better _____

(a) locked the door

(b) locking the door

(c) lock the door

(d) to lock the door







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