മത്സരത്തിലെ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്


Answers to Old Questions – 7


  1. 131 – c nephew  x niece
  2. 132 – b
  3. 133 – d curiosity = inquisitiveness
  4. 134 – a barbarian x civilized
  5. 135 – c turned down = rejected
  6. 136 – a Entrepreneur = a person who undertakes a commercial venture
  7. 137 – b
  8. 138 – c settlement
  9. 139 – a Ab initio = from the beginning
  10. 140 – c Arts college (compound word)
  11. 141 – c the moon shines at night

(Declarative sentence / Assertive sentence)

  1. 142 – a and is a conjunction
  2. 143 – b speak (active)  is spoken (passive)
  3. 144 – d
  4. 145 – d
  5. 146 – b the custom of having only one wife = monogamy
  6. 147 – a endeavour = attempt
  7. 148 – c amateur x professional
  8. 149 – b
  9. 150 – a would you mind + telling
  10. 151 – d
  11. 152 – b
  12. 153 – a assembled for
  13. 154 – c
  14. 155 – d she (singular)   goes (singular)
  15. 156 – c
  16. 157 – a one of the strongest animals
  17. 158 – b
  18. 159 – d adopt –

adapt – suit / fit

adept – very skilled

  1. 160 – c put up with  = tolerate
  2. 161 – c a unique  ü

an unique  û

  1. 162 – d
  2. 163 – b
  3. 164 – d
  4. 165 – c
  5. 166 – c
  6. 167 – a brave  x timid
  7. 168 – a pride of lions
  8. 169 – c III type if clause.

In the if clause, verb is had worked’ (past perfect).

In the main clause, the verb should be a conditional perfect.

(would have got)

  1. 170 – c prefer + to
  2. 171 – a       recurred
  3. 172 – b
  4. 173 – d
  5. 174 – a
  6. 175 – b have been waiting (present perfect continuous)
  7. 176 – (a) opus – magnum = a great work
  8. 177 – d One who compiled dictionaries – Lexicographer
  9. 178 – c had better + bare infinitive
  10. 179 – d house + where ; time + when ;
  11. 180 – b look up (phrasal verb) = try to find out the meaning of a word.
  12. 181 – c CON – NOIS – SEUR
  13. 182 – b epitaph = inscription on a grave stone.
  14. 183 – a carpe diem = enjoy the present day.
  15. 184 – d persuade x dissuade
  16. 185 – b wind up (phrasal verb ) = end
  17. 186 – c canvas (n)   canvass (v)
  18. 187 – d clandestine = secret affair
  19. 188 – a was being built (passive)

was building         / were building (active)

  1. 189 – c
  2. 190 – d as nimble as a bee
  3. 191 – b revenge + on / revenge + upon
  4. 192 – c guilt (n) ; guilty (adj)
  5. 193 – a III type if
  6. 194 – d
  7. 195 – b
  8. 196 – c
  9. 197 – b
  10. 198 – a milkman x milkmaid
  11. 199 – b
  12. 200 – d well began is half done.

aÕ-c-¯nse Cw¥ojv

Questions – 38


  1. Choose the correctly spelt werd

(a) corrasponding        (b) coresponding

(c) corresponding        (c) correspunding

  1. An Oncologist treats the patientssuffering from

(a) Tuberculosis                       (b) AIDS

(c) Cancer                                (d) Diphtheria

  1. If you had ordered it, I…………it.

(a) Would                                (b) Will arrange

(c) Would have arrange           (d) Would have arranged

  1. The word opposite in meaning to novice is

(a) virtue          (b) rigid           (c) veteran                   (d) blunt

  1. The passive voice form of They completed the project is:

(a) The project is completed

(b) The project was being completed

(c) The project was completed by them

(d) The project will be completed

  1. When I reached there, everybody…

(a) left             (b) had left      (c) was left      (d) have left

  1. The phrase magnum opus means

(a) in bad faith                                    (b) magnificient

(c) method of working            (d) a great composition

  1. If DUCKS:QUACK, then HORSES: ……….

(a) NEIGH      (b) BLEAT      (c) LISP          (d) GRUNT

  1. collective noun for guns is

(a) covey         (b) brace          (c) battery        (d) bask sss

  1. The young one of pigeon is called:

(a) squab          (b) bunny         (c) cygnet        (d) foal

  1. Spider is related to web : bee is related to ……..

(a) aviary         (b) Kennel       (c) apiary         (d) Stable

  1. The scientific study of interpretation is:

(a) Hermeneutics                     (b) Semantics

(c) Phonetics                           (d) Morphology

  1. I am elder to you, …………

(a) aren’t I ?    (b) am I ?         (c) amn’t I?      (d) are not I?

  1. I met …… university player:

(a) an               (b) a                 (c) the              (d) none of these

  1. Fear of anything new is

(a) Neophobia                         (b) Nephophobia

(c) Noctiphobia                                   (d) Nebulaphobia

  1. The phrase “to give out” means:

(a) to abandon             (b) to yield      (c) to announce            (d) to distribute

  1. A poem in the form of an address is:

(a) Sonnet                                           (b) dramatic monologue

(c) Ode                                                (d) Lullaby

  1. Are you afraid ………….. him?

(a) off              (b) of               (c) by               (d) at

  1. Point out the error part in:

He told me that I am an intelligent girl

(a) He told me                                    (b) That

(c) I am                                                (d) an Intelligent girl

  1. Necessity is the mother of ………….

(a) discovery               (b) invention               (c) finding       (d) inventory

  1. Would you mind …….. this letter?

(a) post                        (b) posts                      (c) posted        (d) posting

22.‘I wish it wasn’t raining’ means:

(a) It is raining                                     (b) It isn’t raining

(c) It will rain                                      (d) It wasn’t raining

  1. He did not eat the cake; she did not eat it ….

(a) neither                    (b) either                      (c) or                (d) nor

  1. The market is at the ….. end of the city.

(a) father                     (b) further                    (c) farthest                   (d) feather

  1. The boy had finished his home work when …..

(a) I called him                                               (b) I had called him

(c) I have called him                                       (d) I call him

  1. She lives in Mumbai, ……

(a) isn’t she?                                                   (b) doesn’t she

(c) don’t she?                                                   (d) is she?

  1. You can telephone me you like

(a) however                 (b) whatever                (c) whenever               (d) whichever

  1. If my father were there

(a) he has helped you                                      (b) he will help you

(c) he would help you                         (d) he would have helped you

  1. It is impossible to separate belief …….. emotion.

(a) with                                    (b) to                           (c) for                          (d) from

  1. I appreciate her …….. in her studies.

(a) regular                    (b) regularly                 (c) regularity                (d) regularize

  1. The opposite of ‘extravagance’ is

(a) miserliness              (b) incorporcal             (c) misfeasance            (d) intravagance

32.“All that …… is not gold”.

(a) shines                    (b) glitters                    (c) sparkles                  (d) clatters

  1. Many people …… the poor.

(a) looked ahead to                                        (b) looked forward to

(c) looked onto                                                (d) looked down on

  1. The announcement of the results ……. awaited.

(a) are                          (b) is                            (c) were                       (d) am

  1. He works eight hours …….. day

(a) the                          (b) one                         (c) an                           (d) a

36 Nothing ………. disturbs his sleep.

(a) never                     (b) everytime               (c) sometimes              (d) ever

  1. ………… is a synonym of ‘hostile’.

(a) Unfriendly            (b) Credible                 (c) Unhappiness          (d)Disobedient

  1. One who knows everything.

(a) Omniscient            (b) Master                    (c) Scholar                   (d)Omnipotent

  1. Find correct spelling

(a) Buraucracy             (b) Bureaucracy           (c) Buroucracy            (d) Burocracy

  1. The older he got …….. he became

(a) more happier          (b) happier                   (c) the happier             (d) the happy

  1. Rahul is senior all other collegues in his office

(a) to                            (b) than                        (c) of               (d) none of these


  1. I got …….. opportunity to go to London.

(a) a                 (b) an               (c) the              (d) none of these

  1. She invited me……… her Son’s birthday

(a) for              (b) to               (c) of               (d) in

  1. The lady said, “I saw the culprit”

change into reported speech.

(a) The lady said that she had saw the culprit.

(b) The lady said that she had seen the culprit.

(c) The lady said that she saw the culprit.

(d) None of these.

  1. Students should obey the rules of the School.

Change the sentence into passive voice.

(a) The rules of the School should be obeyed.

(b) The rules of the School shall be obeyed

(c) The rules of the School has to be obeyed.

(d) None of these

46.None of the players came in time.

Find out the correct tag from the following

(a) did they?                (b) didn’t they?           (c) do they?           (d) don’t they?

  1. I …….. Shimla last week

Fill in the blank with correct form of the Verb.

(a) have visited            (b) visited        (c) had visited            (d) none of these

  1. Spot the error in the sentence.

(a) The office              (b) with its furniture      (c) were set on fire      (d) No error.

  1. Hardly had he finished the exam……. the bell rang

Fill in the blank using correct adverb.

(a) soon           (b) when          (c) after           (d) before

  1. Rahul is fond of eating chocolates. Find out the gerund in the sentence.

(a) fond           (b) is                (c) eating         (d) of

  1. Most of the bananas in the basket …….. ripen.

(a) are              (b) is                (c) was             (d) has

  1. The synonym of ‘Plethora’ is……

(a) Rare           (b) Abundance                        (c) Cheap         (d) Scarce

  1. Antonym of ‘Zenith’ is……

(a) Nadir          (b) Nult           (c) Recede       (d) Trance

  1. The idiom ‘a White Elephant’ means ……..

(a) a useless one          (b) a strong person        (c) Intelligent                        (d) None of these

  1. The phrase “Take in’ means……

(a) begin          (b) raise           (c) endure        (d) deceive

  1. Study of skulls

(a) Phrenology            (b) Entomology           (c) Pathology               (d) Philo

  1. Find the word that is rightly spelt

(a) Posthumously        (b) Postumously          (c) Posthumusly          (d) Postumusly

  1. The appropriate meaning of ‘Felode se’ is……..

(a) Absent minded     (b) Beloved                 (c) In progress             (d) Suicide

  1. The tiller was standing…….. in the field

(a) Stationary             (b) Sationery               (c) Stationery              (d) Stationory

  1. Translate into Malayalam.

Genius is ninety nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration


  1. A synonym for “barren is

(a) Sterile                     (b) Fertile                    (c) Sluggish                (d) Fake

  1. ……………. they may say, most countries normally do not like to change

(a) Whenever               (b) Whichever            (c) Whoever                (d) Whatever

  1. It is two months …………….Iwent to the doctor

(a) for              (b) did             (c) since                       (d) have

  1. ………….. you invite him, he will not come

(a) Even if                   (b) While                     (c) Whatever               (d) That

  1. I can’t ……….. your rudeness any more

(a) put down              (b) put up with                        (c) put out                    (d) put off

  1. Raju is a veteran in this field but his brother is only a …………….
  • Natter (b) novice                    (c) nemesis                  (d) nexus
  1. One word substitute for ‘wild and noisy disorder or confusion’ is

(a) Pandemonium                                           (b) Pharmacopoeia

(c) Phenomenon                                              (d) Phrenology

  1. Find out the correct spelling

(a) bourgouis                                                   (b) boorshwa

(c) buourgeois                                                 (d) bourgeois

  1. The pen is ……….than the sword

(a) stronger                  (b) powerful                (c) mightier                  (d) forceful

  1. She is …………, always going to meetings and organizing parties

(a) as busy as a bee                                          (b) beating around the bush

(c) like a bump on a log                                   (d) like a bull in a china shop

  1. Last year he ………….. the SSLC Examination with distinction

(a) has passed              (b) had passed             (c) passed        (d) has been passing

  1. Nothing will happen,…………

(a) won’t it?                (b) will it?                    (c) would it?    (d) wouldn’t it?

  1. The man ………. writes the book is a friend of mine

(a) which                     (b) that                                    (c) whose                     (d) who

  1. Mount Everest is ……….. peak in the world

(a) highest                  (b) the higher               (c) the highest             (d) higher than

  1. He would buy a car ……….

(a) if he had had the money                            (b) if he has the money

(c) if he have the money                                 (d) if he had the money

  1. It is impossible to separate belief ……… emotion

(a) from                       (b) with                      (c) to                            (d) for

  1. The corporation is spending a lot of money to ………. the city

(a) beauteous               (b) beautiful                (c) beautify                  (d) beautifier

78.Would you mind……… me a pen?

(a) lend                       (b) lends                     (c) lending                   (d) lent

79.Neither the girl norher brother……. passed

(a) have                                   (b) did                         (c) do                           (d) has

  1. You are sometimes unwise means:

(a) you are not always wise                            (b) you are always wise

(c) you are always unwise                               (d) you are a fool

  1. Choose the correct spelt word.

(a) bureaucrasy                                                            (b) bureoucracy

(c) buroaucracy                                                           (d) bureaucracy

82.Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.

I have been staying here ……. 2005

(a) since                       (b) in                            (c) for                          (d) about

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable article.

…… college has …… new look.

(a) an, the                    (b) a, the                      (c) the, a                      (d) an, a

  1. Choose the correct meaning of the following word:


(a) Honesty                 (b) Charity                   (c) Grace                     (d) Fame

  1. Write the synonym of the word: ‘fragrance’

(a) plant                       (b) scent                      (c) flower                    (d) sea

  1. Choose the antonym of the word:’rigid’

(a) arrogant                  (b) flexible                   (c) strong                     (d) cruel

  1. Choose the opposite of the word given below: ‘guest’

(a) ghost                      (b) host                                    (c) friend                     (d) parent

  1. Select the word or phrase which is nearest to the following word:’agenda’

(a) programme             (b) topic                      (c) schedule                 (d) assignment

  1. Choose the correct word to replace the phrase given below:

Having the power to know everything.

(a) omniscient                                                  (b) omnipresent

(c) omnipotent                                                 (d) noble

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of verbs.

Raju enjoys ………. the dramas of Shakespeare

(a) read                        (b) reading                   (c) to read                    (d) to be reading

  1. Some accidents ……. by rash driving.

(a) caused                    (b) are caused              (c) are causing             (d) causing

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the verbs.

The managing director is away on tour. He…….to London

  • Went (b) has been                (c) has gone                (d) is gone
  1. The Earth …….. around the Sun.

(a) revolve                   (b) revolves                 (c) revolving                (d) revolved

  1. Children ………… afraid of snakes.

(a) am                          (b) are                          (c) were                       (d) is

  1. Fill in the blanks with correct reported speech.

Rani asked the girl ……….

(a) what was she doing                                  (b) what she was doing

(c) what she would done                                (d) what did she

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable question tags.

Children play football, ……….?

(a) did they                 (b) do they                  (c) don’t they               (d) didn’t they

  1. Meena danced well, ……..?

(a) does she                (b) did she                   (c) didn’t she               (d) doesn’t she

  1. Find out suitable one word for the following?

One who believe in God

(a) Ethist                     (b) secularist                (c) Theist                     (d) Devotee

  1. Person having profound knowledge.

(a) Clever                    (b) Hero                       (c) Scholar                   (d) Intelligent

  1. A child whose father is dead:

s (a) Spinster               (b) Orphan                   (c) Widow                   (d) Prince


(മത്സരത്തിലെ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് – മൂന്നാംവഴി സഹകരണമാസിക നവംബര്‍ ലക്കം – 2023)









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