മത്സരത്തിലെ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്


മത്സരത്തിലെ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് – 27

  1. The condition of the city (1) / seems to be very appalling (2) / with all the vehicles (3) / belching out exhaust fumes. (4) / No error (5)
  2. As it got foggier (1) / it become almost impossible (2) / to steer the boat (3) / along the narrow canal. (4) / No error (5)
  3. She still has not sell the house (1) / since the buyers went back (2) / on their words and (3) / pulled out of the deal. (4) / No error (5)
  4. As the inspection day approached (1) / the manager is under (2) / a tremendous pressure to make sure (3) / that everything was in place. (4) / No error (5)
  5. Unlikely the holiday season (1) / the famous tourist spot (2) / bore a deserted look (3) / this time around. (4) / No error (5)
  6. He went to the cinema hall (1) / to accompany his friends (2) / even if he had (3) / seen the movie earlier. (4) / No error (5)
  • The CEO of the company (1) / had gone abroad (2) / on an official visit (3) / but she is come back now. (4) / No error (5)
  • Rajiv has won a prize of (1) / two million dollars which (2) / has to be shared (3) / with all his team members. (4) / No error (5)
  1. I do not understand (1) / about how the payment (2) / was made without (3) / the manager’s permission (4) / No error (5)
  • The company has (1) / decided to sell half (2) / of it shares (3) to a Chinese firm. (4) / No error (5)
  1. By opening so many (1) / branches in such a (2) / short time, they have (3) / used the wrong strategy (4) / No error (5)
  2. During the interview (1) / with the General Manager (2) / I asked her what challenges (3) / she was faced (4) / No error (5)
  3. We have an account (1) / with this bank and (2) / find the staff much (3) / helpful and knowledgeable (4) / No error (5)
  • The scheme has been (1) / implemented only in these (2) / part of the country and the (3) / Prime Minister will visit it shortly (4) / No error (5)
  1. Today we are closer (1) / to reaching an agreement (2) / than we were (3) / a few months ago (4) / No error (5)
  • We have been (1) / telling them to (2) / drive carefully but (3) / they are never listening (4) / No error (5)
  • There is all sorts (1) / of regulations that have (2) / to be met before (3) / we get a license (4) / No error (5)
  • In about five minutes, they would (1) / cover the distance from the road to the point (2) / where the waves would (3) / begin lick their feet. (4) / No error (5)
  • The devastating experiences (1) / of many wars taught some countries (2) / the necessary of pursuing peace (3) / at the expense of nationalist egos. (4) / No error (5)
  • The former superstar recently (1) / visit an orphanage, (2) / fuelling speculation that (3) / she was planning to adopt a child. (4) / No error (5)
  • Accordance to a new study (1) / taking steps to remain healthy and young (2) / may help delay (3) / the onsend of Alzheimer’s disease. (4) / No error (5)
  • A day after he was diagnosed with (1) / swine flu, preventive measures were put in place (2) / to ensure that others were not (3) / affected by the dreaded virus. (4) / No error (5)
  • The administration has conclusive (1) / that it is retailers who are (2) responsible for upsetting (3) / the city’s household budget. (4) / No error (5)
  • The assurances, unfortunately, (1) / remained on paper, as (2) / neither the Centre or the state initiated steps (3) / for the development of the backward region. (4) / No error (5)
  • Sediment deposit along the coast (1) / may be the primary reason for (2) / the change in conditions. (3) / but a lot more remains to be understand. (4) / No error (5)
  • A committee will be set up (1) / to explore pros and cons by (2) / a commonfee structure, and will(3) / take a final decision on it within week. (4) / No error (5)
  • The infection which causes (1) / gums to bleed and teeth to fall out (2) / results from the build up of (3) a particular bacteria that is common to the most months. (4) / No error (5)
  • The majority of the population believes (1) / that the stock market is recovered (2) / and that it is the (3) / right time to buy shares. (4) / No error (5)
  • Seema’s new office is close (1) / to her residence so (2) she will not longer (3) / have to travel by train. (4) / No error (5)
  • To the present guidelines, (1) / the bank is required to obtain (2) / a photograph from the person (3) / who wishes to open an account. (4) / No error (5)
  • Chetan puts in a lot (1) / of effort to ensure (2) / that the scheme was (3) / launched in March. (4) / No error (5)
  • As our economy is (1) / experiencing a recession, banks (2) / have became very cautious (3) about giving loans. (4) / No error (5)
  1. After retiring she spent (1) / most of her time teaching young (2) / doctors and motivating them selves (3) to work in rural areas. (4) / No error (5)
  2. Since this foreign bank has (1) / not performed very good this year (2) / it will not be setting (3) / up any new branch. (4) / No error (5)
  3. Our Chairman is deeply concerned (1) / about the environment (2) / and plans to take some steps to reduce the (3) / pollution caused by our factories (4) / No error (5)
  4. He was afraid that his parents (1) / would not allow him to (2) / make the film so he did (3) not tell them about it. (4) / No error (5)
  5. I was previously posted (1) / in Singapore and it (2) took me a long time (3) to accustom to the flood. (4) / No error (5)
  • My cousin’s wedding provided (1) / me with the chance (2) / to meet which relatives I (3) / had not met for a long time. (4) / No error (5)
  • There are floods in this (1) / region last year but (2) / many of the victims have (3) / not yet been compensated. (4) / No error (5)
  • We must ensure that (1) / all our records (2) / are computerized (3) / for next year. (4) / No error (5)
  • In order to impart (1) / training to bank employees (2) / we are setting up (3) / centres at various location. (4) / No error (5)
  • When Rahul reached (1) the office there was (2) nobody there so (3) he sat down to wait. (4) / No error (5)
  • I shall have to check (1) / my records to find out (2) / how much cheques (3) / have been collected so far. (4) / No error (5)
  • Our first task as (1) board members is (2) to decide on what we (3) / should spend these funds. (4) / No error (5)
  • She was lucky (1) / to find a good paying (2) / job as soon (3) / as she graduated. (4) / No error (5)
  • For the last six months (1) / Seema has been asking them (2) / to return the money but (3) / there is been no action. (4) / No error (5)
  • He promised to get (1) / in touch with myself (2) / as soon as he had (3) / the information I needed. (4) / No error (5)
  • The main advantage of (1) / investing such schemes (2) / is that you will not (3) / have to pay any taxes (4) / No error (5)
  • That customer has (1) / written a letter (2) / thanks the manager (3) / for her timely help. (4) / No error (5)
  • Our company was recently (1) / award the contract (2) / to construct two major (3) / bridges in the state. (4) / No error (5)
  • Accordingly the circular (1) that was issued yesterday RBI (2) / has raised the rate at (3) / which it lends to banks. (4) / No error (5)
  • Their company is going to incur (1) / heavy losses this year because (2) / of the big discounts they (3) / offers to customers. (4) / No error (5)
  1. A large number of policy (1) / have lapsed because many (2) / people have not paid (3) / their instalments on time. (4) / No error (5)
  • The Foreign Investment Promotion Board is (1) / the government body who (2) / regulates investment received (3) / by Indian factories from foreign countries. (4) / No error (5)
  1. The final decision can (1) / be taken only after (2) / we consider all (3) / the panel suggestions. (4) / No error (5)
  2. If his aim is to (1) / buy a house in the (2) / next three years he (3) / should start immediate saving. (4) / No error (5)
  3. Can you explain why (1) / you were late this morning (2) / when we had to make (3) / such an important presentation ? (4) / No error (5)
  • In order to (1) / attract tourists many (2) / hotels have been offered (3) / attractive deals and discounts. (4) / No error (5)
  • The Board is likely (1) / to take its time (2) / to examine the facts (3) / before giving their decision. (4) / No error (5)
  • How can we open (1) / these branches on time (2) / if we have not (3) / yet obtained the licenses? (4) / No error (5)
  1. One of the disadvantage (1) / of fixed deposit schemes (2) / is that banks offer (3) / low rates of interest. (4) / No error (5)
  • According to experts, it is (1) / necessarily for you to save (2) / and invest at least twenty five (3) / percent of your monthly income. (4) / No error (5)
  • The manager has not (1) / yet replied to the (2) / customer letter asking (3) / about her loan application (4) / No error (5)
  • While the information of RBI (1) was approved in March, 1934 (2) / it was inaugurated (3) / only in April 1, 1935. (4) / No error (5)
  • The InsuranceRegulatory Development Authority has (1) / asked all insurance (2) / companies submitting their (3) / balance sheets by June. (4) / No error (5)
  • Arun’s father has been ill (1) / since last year and Arun (2) / has spend his entire (3) / savingson his treatment. (4) / No error (5)
  1. There are a large number (1) / of Chinese workers which (2) / are employed in (3) / software companies in India. (4) / No error (5)
  • When I called him yesterday, (1) / he offered to donate (2) / a handsome sum to (3) / the flood relief fund. (4) / No error (5)
  • The student which (1) / you had thought (2) / so highly of has (3) / failed to pass the examination (4) / No error (5)
  • Government took strict action (1) / against the doctors on strike (2) but they refused to (3) / resume to work. (4) / No error (5)
  • If a person has been given (1) / diplomatic immunity than he (2) / cannot be arrested on a (3) foreign land under any circumstance. (4) / No error (5)
  • A group of birds (1) / migrate from southern part (2) / of the country to the (3) / Northern part during summer (4) / No error (5)
  • The constable said that (1) / the prisoner seize a (2) / fully loaded gun from a policeman (3) / and shot the prosecutor. (4) / No error (5)
  • It will not be possible for you (1) / to catch the train on time (2)/ because the nearest railway station (3) is at ten kilometers away (4) / No error (5)
  • Each of the survivors of the Tsunami (1) / have been offered free (2) / psychological consultation to ease their trauma, (3) / by some of the top consultants. (4) / No error (5)
  • Considering about her good credentials, (1) / the manager offered her a job (2) / in his organization (3) / despite the lack of experience. (4) / No error (5)
  1. Although he has been (1) / winning the elections (2) / over the years, this year his popularity (3) / has substantially reduced (4) / No error (5)
  • The tax treaty between India and Switzerland have (1) / been amended and we (2) / shall be able to obtain information (3) / about any Swiss bank account by next month (4) / No error (5)
  • An investor must (1) be take into account (2) / many factors before (3) / making any financial decision (4) / No error (5)
  • The committee will discuss (1) / the draft in detail (2) / and will make suggestions for the (3) / proper implementing the scheme. (4) / No error (5)
  • A current account is a deposit account (1) / which is offered by banks mainly (2) / to firms and companies who (3) / need banking facilities very frequently. (4) / No error (5)
  • Handicraft exports have an increase (1) / in the past year (2) / because of the innovative steps (3) / taken by the government. (4) / No error (5)
  • In his speech (1) / the finance minister stated (2) / that the new tax law will be (3) / applicable from April 1, 2010. (4) / No error (5)
  • Under the scheme banks (1) / provide loans to small and medium (2) / enterprises at two percent (3) / lower the market rate. (4) / No error (5)
  • SEBI has recently issued (1) / showcause notices to some (2) / insuranace companies seeking its explanation for not (3) / complying with certain norms. (4) / No error (5)
  • I would advise you (1) / to invest in our company (2) / stock although last year (3) / our profits decline. (4) / No error (5)
  1. The next meeting can be (1) / hold next week as (2) / we had the first meeting (3) / over a month ago. (4) / No error (5)
  • People who intend (1) / to visit the tourist spots (2) are always thrilling (3) / to see the scenario here. (4) / No error (5)
  • In such delicate matters, (1) / we often go with (2) / his advice as he has (3) / been handling such cases effectively. (4) / No error (5)
  • You should think that (1) / of all the possibilities (2) / before you take (3) any decision. (4) / No error (5)
  • He was too tired that (1) / he could not cross (2) / the street even with (3) the help of a porter. (4) / No error (5)
  1. My desire to (1) / meet the president (2) / without prior (3) appointment. (4) / No error (5)
  2. Whenever a man attain fame, (1) / his personal qualities are (2) / imitated by others who (3) / are close to him. (4) / No error (5)
  3. Rivers, mountains and deep forests (1) / are the places (2) / mostly like by (3) / people living in urban areas. (4) / No error (5)
  • When we visited his office (1) / we found that (2) / he was sipping coffee (3) / with some of his colleagues. (4) / No error (5)
  • For giving up (1) / the bad habit of smoking (2) / use of chewing gum or (3) / similar other method can be helped. (4) / No error (5)
  • His obviously reluctance (1) / was viewed seriously by (2) / his superiors and (3) / he was suspended. (4) / No error (5)
  1. The employee was (1) / asked to leave her job (2) / as she was not (3) / performing well. (4) / No error (5)
  • In school (1) / we have to enrolled (2) in sports (3) / and music classes. (4) / No error (5)
  • This report (1) / highlights on (2) / the need for (3) / further research. (4) / No error (5)
  • My best friend (1) / left the country (2) / I hope to hearing (3) / from her again soon. (4) / No error (5)
  • She is pretending (1) / to be sick (2) / because she don’t (3) / want to study. (4) / No error (5)
  • While I am (1) / doing the house works, (2) / I like to listen to (3) / music on the radio. (4) / No error (5)
  • I was very lucky (1) / that day (2) / and catched (3) / a lot of fish. (4) / No error (5)
  • Several banks (1) / are shown interest (2) / in the proposed development (3) / of the public sector. (4) / No error (5)
  1. Inorder (1) / to be successful (2) / you must worked (3) / very hard. (4) / No error (5)
  2. As a child, (1) / I always want to (2) / have a bicycle (3) / of my own. (4) / No error (5)
  • The basket ball match (1) / was organized and (2) / the sponsored by his (3) / father’s company (4) / No error (5)
  • There were many (1) / factors that contributed (2) / to the success (3) of this experiments (4) / No error (5)
  • Child labour is (1) / considered to be (2) / illegal in (3) / many countries (4) / No error (5)
  1. /she always remembers (1) / to switch off all the (2) lights and fans before (3) / leaving a rooms (4) / No error (5)
  • Inspite of the (1) / heavy raining Raj (2) decided to go (3) / for the meeting (4) / No error (5)
  • Ragi may not taste (1) / good but it has (2) / very high (3) / nutritive value (4) / No error (5)
  • She wanted to reached (1) / home as early (2) as possible because (3) / it was getting dark (4) / No error (5)
  • Rohan’s happiness knew no (1) / bounds when the results (2) / were announce because (3) / he had won the competition (4) / No error (5)
  • The royal guards were instruction (1) / to keep the palace (2) / gates closed as the (3) / villagers were agigated (4) / No error (5)
  • They were hoping (1) / to reach of time (2) / for the lecture (3) / but they were late (4) / No error (5)
  • As they watched (1) / the football match (2) / the huge crowd (3) chant in unison (4) / No error (5)
  • The noise was (1) / so faintly that (2) / one had to strain (3) / one’s ears to hear it (4) / No error (5)
  1. When he found out that (1) / the girl had escaped (2) / he was absolute (3) / irritated and furious (4) / No error (5)
  • The weather is (1) / much more warmer (2) / than it was (3) / a few days ago (4) / No error (5)
  1. A vast numbers (1) / of people greeted (2) / the film star on his arrival (3) / at the airport (4) / No error (5)
  • Time the concert ended, (1) / the crowd clapped (2) / and cheered (3) / enthusiastically (4) / No error (5)
  • The students blamed (1) / their professor for (2) / their late arrival (3) / in the concert. (4) / No error (5)
  1. We have many rooms (1) / in our house, (2) / several of which (3) have not been in use for years. (4) / No error (5)
  2. When I heard (1) / footsteps behind me (2) / I was being scared (3) / that I would be attacked (4) / No error (5)
  • The Manager said that (1) / he wanted to known (2) / the pros and cons (3) / of the issue. (4) / No error (5)
  • There were (1) / many people (2) / present on the (3) / award function. (4) / No error (5)
  • It was a long (1) / and uncomfortable journey (2) / but he managed (3) / to reach with time. (4) / No error (5)
  • The car broke (1) / down while he (2) / was on his (3) / way to work (4) / No error (5)
  • Do you wanted (1) / to discuss this (2) / project today or can (3) / we do it tomorrow? (4) / No error (5)
  • Inspite of being (1) / unwell, Shalini gave (2) / a wonderful performance (3) / at the concert (4) / No error (5)
  • Nina had applied (1) / for a loans for (2) / post graduate studies but (3) / it was not sanctioned. (4) / No error (5)
  • People find it (1) / difficult to understand (2) / him as he (3) / don’t peak clearly (4) / No error (5)
  • Shah was explain (1) / the benefits of (2) / exercising atleast (3) / five times a week(4) / No error (5)
  • The actor donated (1) / a huge sum of (2) / the money to the (3) / orphanage on Children’s Day. (4) / No error (5)
  • The customers were asked to (1) give their feedback after (2) / using the try pack of the (3) / new detergen powder. (4) / No error (5)








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