മത്സരത്തിലെ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്

ചൂര്യയി ചന്ദ്രന്‍

മത്സരത്തിലെ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്  31


Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the banks to make sentence meaningfully complete

1          Countless Indians today use neem twigs, called datum, as ………….. toothbrushes.

1)  durable       2)  extended    3)  Saturated     4)  Manageable         5) disposable

  1. I have always admired his ………….. knowledge and scholarship.

1)  highest       2)  flexible       3)  provocative  4) elemental       5) profound

  1. The fight for liberation brings …………..the best and the noblest qualities in mankind.

1)  with       2)  in       3) for          4) out         5) through

  1. Today, as citizens of free India, we ………… both our democracy and our secularism

1) promote       2) cherish         3) establish      4) champion    5) declare

  1. Social customs and traditions die ……………

1)  absolutely      2)  hard         3) fundamentally         4) permanently            5) vehemently

  1. He knelt at his side and comforted him with…….. words

1) harsh           2) silent           3) kind        4) cruel       5) flowers

  1. A man who is perpetually …… which of the two things he will do first, will do neither.

1) confuses                  2) forced         3) orders          4) hesitating    5) enjoying

  1. We cannot ……… of life with out suitable environment

1) live            2)  buy          3) extract            4) dreams              5) think

9          He thought the boy ……….. to benefit the blacksmith.

1) wants          2) wanting       3) desire         4) harm     5) loose

  1. The fisherman gladly ………………. up the baby and took it home.

1)  loaded        2) picked         3) dragged           4) pushed          5) climb

  1. It is desirable to take ……….. in any business if you want to make profit.

1) advice         2) risk           3) loan           4) recourse            5) perseverance

12        The rocket ———– the target and did not cause any causalty.

  1. A) sensed B) reached                C) missed          D) exploded     E) aimed
  2. You must ensure the correctness of the information before ……….. to conclusion.
  3. A) drawing B) enabling          C) leaning          D) jumping      E) examining
  4. They wanted all the money on purchase of some …………. items
  5. A) excellent B) important C) significant                 D) quality        E) trivial
  6. When he found the wallet his face glowed but soon it faded as the wallet was ………
  7. A) empty B) vacant C) recovered      D) stolen      E) expensive
  8. They work hard not because of the …………., but because of their inner urge,
  9. A) desire B) drive C) energy       D) incentive    E) motivation
  10. His ………….. background has made him so docile
  11. A) famous B) lucrative C) rich             D) advanced   E) humble
  12. It is ………. for everyone to abide by the laws of the land
  13. A) expected B) obligatory C) meant         D) optional      E) recommended
  14. ……….. he is a hard worker, his quality of work is not of a desirable level
  15. A) Despite B) Because C) Although    D) Somehow   E) However
  16. In spite of repeated instructions, he ……… the some mistakes
  17. A) commits B) detects C) corrects             D) imitates   E) exhibits
  18. I ………. your parents that I would take care of you.
  19. A) said B) alerted C) forced            D) promised       E) asked
  20. The seating arrangement makes it difficult for the students to ……. from each other.
  21. A) copy B) talk C) relate          D) complaint      E) train
  22. Computers are useless …….. you know how to use them
  23. A) therefore B) if C) hence      D) should       E) unless
  24. We need more information before we can reach a ………..
  25. A) development B) fact C) step            D) design   E) decision
  26. We must have ………. that these drugs are harmless.
  27. A) proof B) signs C) notes         D) intelligence   E) drawings
  28. Shweta has …………. in Chennai all her life.
  29. A) lives B) living C) lived        D) seeing    E) seen
  30. Jimmy …….. avoids playing tennis on weekdays as it is very tiring.
  31. A) rarely B) usually C) greatly     D) highly     E) poorly
  32. Mr. Bose …….. working in the bank for the last fifteen years.
  33. A) will be B) have been C) to be        D) has been     E) plans to
  34. Praful ………. to be promoted as he is very hard working
  35. A) afraid B) hoping C) tries   D) awaited     E) deserves
  36. She ……… sang well ……… played the sitar very well.
  37. A) also, a B) no sooner, than C) not only, but also  D) try to, and also    5) never, even
  38. We were so late we ……. had time to catch the train.

1) nearly          2) almost      3) hardly     4) simply     5) completely

  1. He ………. to all his friends that he was getting married.

1) told     2) related      3) announced 4) called     5) spoke

  1. Today’s paper ……… that we shall have an election this year.

1) states           2) admits      3) expresses        4) proposes     5) gives

  1. Has the committee…….. a decision yet ?

1) done            2) made      3) confronted       4) arrived     5) voted

  1. The old man was _______ by a truck on the zebra crossing on the main road.

1) got hit         2) run across      3) run out      4) blocked     5) knocked down

  1. The man sitting …… the enquiry counter was very helpful …… polite.

1) on …. or       2) by …… but      3) near….. then         4) over…. because     5) at….and

  1. Every one was advised not to go near the seashore as high tide was ……

1) estimated    2) predicted      3) calculated  4) deposited     5) avoided

  1. His father gifted him a motor bike but …. him to ride it safely

1) helped         2) saw      3) cautioned            4) pleased     5) teach

  1. All the children were asked to ……. carefully ….. the teacher was giving instructions

1) listen…… while        2) seek ….. as      3) attend… when     4) see…. then

5) understand…. and

  1. Trun was nervous ….. his performance at the concert.

1) as       2) before      3) and  4) on     5) because

  1. Looking ……… I now see all the mistakes I made when I was young

1) back            2) on         3) forward              4) into       5) above

  1. The ship of the merchants ……… tossed to the island by the rough sea wave.

1) had      2) was      3) were    4) should     5) will

  1. They ….. his house and found a number of stolen articles.

1) broke           2) launched      3) searched     4) smashed     5) razed

  1. You can either pay the …… or go to prison for a month.

1) fine              2) home      3) house    4) privacy     5) levy


  1. The wolves ….. all night and kept us awake.

1) cried            2) howled      3) scared           4) played     5) barked

  1. Sunita had ……been out of the hospital …… she slipped and fractured her arm

1) hardly, when           2) just, as      3) well, and        4) then, when     5) also, as

  1. During the strike, all work at the factory came to a ………

1) stoppage      2) close      3) decline              4) end      5) halt

  1. A parable is a story with a moral, the story being….. of the underlying moral

1) familiar        2) identical      3) irrelevant     4) illustrative     5) summary

  1. Jason promised to …….. an attempt to get better grades this year.

1) give             2) make       3) take     4) keep     5) have

  1. The teacher read …… the children the story of the ‘Titanic’.

1) also              2) to       3) again         4) well     5) by

  1. The researchers will ……. some of the causes of increasing poverty in the state.

1) fund            2) investigate       3) promote       4) circulate        5) collaborate

  1. One requires great ……… to teach and handle little children who are restless.

1) patience       2) attitude       3) determination          4) knowledge    5) aptitude

  1. I would rather stay indoors…….. the rain stops.

1) so     2) waiting       3) until      4) usually     5) then

  1. I usually perform ……. when nobody is watching me.

1) alone           2) good      3) better    4) hard    5) nervously

  1. It was ……. to everyone that the minister had been drinking.

1) observed     2) known      3) discovered     4) realised     5) unfortunate

  1. I was annoyed …… John for arriving late.

1) on    2) about      3) by         4) for     5) with

  1. We are ……. the possibility of buying our own house.

1) judging        2) initiating        3) threatening           4) applying    5) considering

  1. The student did not pay ….. to the instructions that were given to her in class.

1) ear     2) awareness       3) notice        4) attention     5) closure

  1. The young boy was unhurt ….. for a minor injury to his knee.

1) less    2) except      3) also        4) just       5) while

  1. There is ……. chance of seeing her again ……. she leaves.

1) perhaps, when         2) also, as       3) little, before     4) full, therefore     5) more, after

  1. I have given myself ….. the end of September to finish my research.

1) between      2) until       3) to          4) for       5) near

  1. It is …….. that John did not hurt himself when he fell off his motorbike.

1) luckily         2) fortunate      3) understanding        4) found     5) knowing

  1. You must not look directly at the sun ….. the eclipse.

1) during         2) in        3) on       4) to      5) at

  1. The mist was so thick, it was like walking ….. a cloud.

1) beyond        2) by      3) along         4) through     5) against

  1. I told my friend that he could not catch a big fish ….. a small rod like the one he was carrying, but he insisted ….. trying.

1) with, on       2) by, about       3) with, about      4) by, on    5) on, for

  1. In her first book, the author…. her experiences as a child.

1) describes     2) talks       3) feels      4) understands    5) claims


  1. Mr. Nair has been awake …… 6 O’clock

1) until             2) since       3) by         4) at       5) before


  1. Frequent news of terrorist activity in the area has ….. most tourists away.

1) caused         2) worried       3) frightened   4) moved     5) scare

  1. On a Saturday, neither the bank …. the post office is open.

1) nor     2) and      3) also      4) neither     5) or

  1. My youngest child, ……… is only three years old, has started going to kindergarten.

1) that              2) whom       3) just     4) which      5) who

  1. Rachana saw me ….. for a bus, she stopped and …… me a lift.

1) Standing – took       2) stopped – gave       3) walking – sat   4) testing – signalled

5) waiting – offered

  1. During winter, we can …… ourselves from the cold by wearing ….. clothes.

1) protect – warm        2) establish – light       3) save – good    4) stop – thick

5) escape – cotton

  1. The school refused to …. acts of …… behaviour.

1) overcome – spoilt    2) tolerate – violent       3) overlook – sudden

4) appreciate – bravery     5) comment – deserving

  1. The actor was not ….. by public criticism and paid no ….. even to the poor reviews in the media.

1) affected – attention   2) troubled – mind      3) effected – regard

4) bothered – justification     5) shocked – notices

  1. The ….. words of the teacher comforted the ….. student.

1) harsh – sorrowful     2) encouraging – anxious       3) reality – nervous

4) wise – happy     5) distracter – confused

  1. You will have to undergo a …… of tests before the interview.

1) large            2) series      3) design     4) booklet     5) delegation

  1. If you ……. fast, we will reach on time.

1) journey        2) travel       3) walk    4) talk     5) react

  1. The boy was curious to know what was ….. the parcel.

1) into              2) with       3) in          4) beyond    5) within

  1. For every school going child, studying is a …….

1) skill             2) success      3) achievement      4) luxury     5) priority

  1. The Board members could not arrive at a …… regarding the employee.

1) judgement   2) progress       3) policy          4) consensus     5) action

  1. The thieves knew that there was a lot of money in the bank and wanted to ….. on it.

1) cash in         2) borrow       3) stash it          4) steal      5) purchase things

  1. It was common knowledge that the Manager had committed a fraud. Just to…., the Manager was now lying through his teeth.

1) admit it       2) save his own skin       3) reaffirm it    4) jump the gun

5) make hay while the sun shines

  1. The rioting crowd had reached very close to Asha’s house. Asha’s brother somehow managed to avoid this crowd and reached home…..

1) simply         2) in one piece      3) in silent      4) in jiffy     5) quicker

  1. I have been so busy with work that I have not yet ….. to arranging my things in my new house.

1) tried            2) comeahead       3) seemed       4) attempting    5) gotten around

  1. I am hosting a party at my house tomorrow evening. I …..you can make it on time.

1) knew that    2) understands       3) hope that          4) wishes that    5) desire

  1. The Manager realized that the clerk had forgotten to do his job and thus ….. for the loss to the Company.

1) knew about     2) created      3) hold guilty     4) was responsible     5) makes up

  1. His vision is very poor but he refuses to do anything about it. …… before he loses his eye sight completely.

1) it is swiftly   2) it won’t be long      3) Not soon    4) He will very quickly    5) it is time

  1. ……. having worked really hard in office, Vilas did not get the much expected promotion.

1) Inspite of    2) On       3) since        4) despite of     5) besides

  1. Tonight’s game was ….. because of the rain.

1) struck of      2) called off       3) winning    4) played     5) cancel

  1. Riya did not care about me at all. I knew this as she had not even….. when I told her that I

had failed in the exams.

1) console me    2) outspoken       3) seen me 4) closed her eyes     5) batted an eyelid

  1. I. It is when he ……. a new method, he faced opposition
  2. The suspect was ….. for the crime

1) suggested    2) sentenced       3) tried         4) found    5) evolved

  1. I. The human …… has its own healing powers.
  2. The elected …… is responsible for major policy changes.

1) being           2) body       3) representative  4) segment     5) mind

  1. I. Even …… the book doesn’t draw from political characters, the possible coincidence is

not missing

  1. Our college trip was great ……. it lasted

1) while           2) through         3) until           4) when        5) if

  1. I. Since the sender has not indicated her name, this letter will be classified as ………
  2. Many of the important things that surround you are still the work of ….. minds and

hands, about whom we may not know.

1) known         2) bogus       3) void       4) anonymous    5) artistic

  1. I. It is better to keep things on ……. till we get due approval
  2. If our conduct is good, we can ….. our head high

1) wait             2) keep       3) watch   4) raise     5) hold

  1. I. He has now become a ……. to reckon with.
  2. It is better not to use …… to prove one’s point.

1) model          2) force      3) coercion            4) name    5) influence

  1. I. He tried his ….. best to score distinction in this exam.
  2. It pays to keep a …… head in an emergency.

1) cool             2) utmost       3) very        4) possible      5) level

  1. I. The system is working with …… to getting things done.
  2. ….. must be commanded and not demanded.

1) status           2) relation      3) attitude         4) respect     5) honour

  1. I. There is complaint against him that he ….. the mistakes of his juniors
  2. A good thing about this house is that it ….. the sea.

1) ignores        2) promotes       3) examines   4) overlooks     5) faces

  1. I. Out of the total loans …. by the bank, the largest share was for infrastructure.
  2. The trees …… throughout the area.

1) disbursed    2) covered       3) distributed  4) spanned     5) extended


waiting – offered

  1. During winter, we can …… ourselves from the cold by wearing ….. clothes.

1) protect – warm        2) establish – light       3) save – good    4) stop – thick

5) escape – cotton

  1. The school refused to …. acts of …… behaviour.

1) overcome – spoilt    2) tolerate – violent       3) overlook – sudden

4) appreciate – bravery     5) comment – deserving

  1. The actor was not ….. by public criticism and paid no ….. even to the poor reviews in the media.

1) affected – attention   2) troubled – mind      3) effected – regard

4) bothered – justification     5) shocked – notices

  1. The ….. words of the teacher comforted the ….. student.

1) harsh – sorrowful     2) encouraging – anxious       3) reality – nervous

4) wise – happy     5) distracter – confused

  1. You will have to undergo a …… of tests before the interview.

1) large            2) series      3) design     4) booklet     5) delegation

  1. If you ……. fast, we will reach on time.

1) journey        2) travel       3) walk    4) talk     5) react

  1. The boy was curious to know what was ….. the parcel.

1) into              2) with       3) in          4) beyond    5) within

  1. For every school going child, studying is a …….

1) skill             2) success      3) achievement      4) luxury     5) priority

  1. The Board members could not arrive at a …… regarding the employee.

1) judgement   2) progress       3) policy          4) consensus     5) action

  1. The thieves knew that there was a lot of money in the bank and wanted to ….. on it.

1) cash in         2) borrow       3) stash it          4) steal      5) purchase things

  1. It was common knowledge that the Manager had committed a fraud. Just to…., the Manager was now lying through his teeth.

1) admit it       2) save his own skin       3) reaffirm it    4) jump the gun

5) make hay while the sun shines

  1. The rioting crowd had reached very close to Asha’s house. Asha’s brother somehow managed to avoid this crowd and reached home…..

1) simply         2) in one piece      3) in silent      4) in jiffy     5) quicker

  1. I have been so busy with work that I have not yet ….. to arranging my things in my new house.

1) tried            2) comeahead       3) seemed       4) attempting    5) gotten around

  1. I am hosting a party at my house tomorrow evening. I …..you can make it on time.

1) knew that    2) understands       3) hope that          4) wishes that    5) desire

  1. The Manager realized that the clerk had forgotten to do his job and thus ….. for the loss to the Company.

1) knew about     2) created      3) hold guilty     4) was responsible     5) makes up

  1. His vision is very poor but he refuses to do anything about it. …… before he loses his eye sight completely.

1) it is swiftly   2) it won’t be long      3) Not soon    4) He will very quickly    5) it is time

  1. ……. having worked really hard in office, Vilas did not get the much expected promotion.

1) Inspite of    2) On       3) since        4) despite of     5) besides

  1. Tonight’s game was ….. because of the rain.

1) struck of      2) called off       3) winning    4) played     5) cancel

  1. Riya did not care about me at all. I knew this as she had not even….. when I told her that I

had failed in the exams.

1) console me    2) outspoken       3) seen me 4) closed her eyes     5) batted an eyelid

  1. I. It is when he ……. a new method, he faced opposition
  2. The suspect was ….. for the crime

1) suggested    2) sentenced       3) tried         4) found    5) evolved

  1. I. The human …… has its own healing powers.
  2. The elected …… is responsible for major policy changes.

1) being           2) body       3) representative  4) segment     5) mind

  1. I. Even …… the book doesn’t draw from political characters, the possible coincidence is

not missing

  1. Our college trip was great ……. it lasted

1) while           2) through         3) until           4) when        5) if

  1. I. Since the sender has not indicated her name, this letter will be classified as ………
  2. Many of the important things that surround you are still the work of ….. minds and

hands, about whom we may not know.

1) known         2) bogus       3) void       4) anonymous    5) artistic

  1. I. It is better to keep things on ……. till we get due approval
  2. If our conduct is good, we can ….. our head high

1) wait             2) keep       3) watch   4) raise     5) hold

  1. I. He has now become a ……. to reckon with.
  2. It is better not to use …… to prove one’s point.

1) model          2) force      3) coercion            4) name    5) influence

  1. I. He tried his ….. best to score distinction in this exam.
  2. It pays to keep a …… head in an emergency.

1) cool             2) utmost       3) very        4) possible      5) level

  1. I. The system is working with …… to getting things done.
  2. ….. must be commanded and not demanded.

1) status           2) relation      3) attitude         4) respect     5) honour

  1. I. There is complaint against him that he ….. the mistakes of his juniors
  2. A good thing about this house is that it ….. the sea.

1) ignores        2) promotes       3) examines   4) overlooks     5) faces

  1. I. Out of the total loans …. by the bank, the largest share was for infrastructure.
  2. The trees …… throughout the area.

1) disbursed    2) covered       3) distributed  4) spanned     5) extended























































































































































































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