100 ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ ഉത്തരങ്ങള്‍

Deepthi Vipin lal

( Principal, Co-operative College )


1. Under which act Triplicane Urban Co-operative Bank was registered
2. Youth Co-operative Education Programme implemented by ________
3. The ultimate authority of NCUI is vested with __________
4. RAIDCO is a _______ society
5. Who prepared DAP?
6. Ex-officio member of CCU __________
7. Under which act NHRDF registered
8. NAFCUB established on __________
9. First central cooperative bank in the world formed in ________
10. Urban co-operative bank is _______ type societies
11. _______ is known as Keystone in the history of co-operation.
12. AIMAS inaugurated by _____ in ________
13. Sahakarana Probhodhini is published by _________
14. Intellectual nerve centre of co-operative movement is ________
15. KSCARDB has given membership to South Wayanad Girijan Farming Co-operative Society in the year
16. National co-operative development fund is administered by ________
17. Chairman of NABARD is always ________
18. Who started Heddesdorf credit union?
19. The development of communes in China was known as ________
20. Special development Debentures are fully purchased by __________
21. First Core Banking facility introduced in which Co-operative sector
22. Who was Diwan at the time of formation of Travancore Co-operative societies Act of 1914?
23. K.F was established in the year ________
24. Potentially linked credit plan was implemented by _________
25. In which section of KCS Act it is mentioned as the reserve fund of the society in accordance with provisions shall bot be liable to attachment?
26. NHRDF stands for _________
27. Chief Executive of NCDC is known as _________
28. The formation of NCUI is associated with _________ Committee Report
29. Executive committee of KSCB consists of __________ members
30. KICMA started in the year
31. Affiliation fee is calculated on the basis of __________
32. Section that deals with no restriction for overlapping co-operative societies
33. Form number of application for Review to Tribunal is _________
34. No. of days notice is required for the meeting to consider the non-confidence motion is ___________
35. Who has the power to give direction to the committee of a society to suspend the officer under section 66B?
36. Minimum Affiliation Fee payable to SCU is __________
37. In which rule of KCS Act deals with society shall contribute towards education fund at the rate specified
38. Form number of the Register of the declaration of the moveable property
39. The period of administrator shall not exceed ______ in aggregate
40. If the original ID Card recovered after issuing duplicate ID Card, _______ card shall be surrendered to the society
41. The nomination for candidate of election for SCU is submitted in Form No. ___
42. Rule that deals with Office of CCU is shall be Housed of Assistant Registrar office
43. In which rule defines the date of commencement of working of a registered society
44. Defaulter is defined in Rule ____ of KCS Rule
45. Which section of KCS Act deals with Right of a member to get information
46. Rule that deals with Education fund shall be paid within 2 months from the date of issue of audit report otherwise Chief executive of the society shall be liable to pay a penal interest.
47. Rule that deals with procedure for execution of Decision, Award or Order
48. State co-operative election commission is constituted by _________
49. Ineligibility of director board members is specified in Rule ______
50. Annual statement of account shall be prepared by the chief executive within _______ from the date of close of financial year
51. Liquidity adjustment facility was introduced on the recommendation of _______ committee
52. Khan committee 2004 was constituted by _______
53. RTGS began operation on _________
54. The decision of the Banking Ombudsman can be appealed before ________
55. _______ is the rate at which banks can borrow overnight from RBI
56. Asset which does not disclose any problem and does not carry more than their normal risk attached to business are ________ asset
57. UPI was introduced on _______
58. Removing the legal status of a currency is called __________
59. _________ is an umbrella institution for all the retail payment system in the country
60. The DCA shall publish a panel of auditors on designation basis as per the class and type of societies within _____ days from the close of the year.
61. An insured co-operative bank means a bank affiliated with ________
62. Royal commission on Indian currency and finance is popularly known as _______
63. DICGC wholly owned by ________
64. Service area approach was introduced on ________
65. PAN is necessary for opening an account with initial deposit of _________
66. ___________ commission recommended the formation of payment bank in 2014
67. Out dated cheque is called ________
68. If the word account payee is added to the general or special crossing it is called ________ crossing
69. All cheque are _______ but all _________ are not cheque
70. Section ____ of BR Act 1949 prohibit a banking company from holding any immovable property how so ever acquired.
71. In the case of a Claytons case the credit entries in the account adjust or set off the debit entries in the _________ order
72. When the banker acts as a power of attorney the relationship is ________
73. Procedure for attachment and sale of immovable property is dealt in rule ___ of KCS Rules
74. A person promising to save another from loss is called _______
75. Asset liability management is a part of ________
76. According to _____ stock in trade is valued at cost price or market price whichever is less
77. Wages paid to install new plant and machinery is ________ expenditure
78. _____ is an extra commission in addition to normal commission
79. _______ is prepared from documentary evidence
80. _______ is considered to be the principal or main book of account
81. Abnormal loss is credited to ______ account if fully insured
82. Selling and distribution overhead plus cost of production is _________
83. Bad debt previously written off if recovered subsequently is credited to _______ account
84. When stock is undervalued, it is an error of _______
85. The cost which does not vary proportionately but simultaneously cannot remain stationary at all time is called ________ cost
86. The amount of ________ capital which is actually called up on to pay by the company
87. Another name of Invoice price is _______
88. Reserve is shown on the _________ side of Balance sheet
89. Goodwill which is distinct from the ability of management is termed as ________
90. _______ discount is the deduction from list price
91. Amount received by non-profit making organization on the death of a person as per this will is called ___________
92. Journal has ___ columns
93. Trial balance is prepared at _________ in a financial year
94. Recording originally done in a book is called ________
95. _________ are made by passing adjusting entries
96. Overdue interest shall be shown as an item of ________ in the balance sheet
97. Provision for discount to debtors is debited to _________ account
98. The amount of expenditure incurred on or attributable to a given thing is called _______
99. Direct Materials + Direct Labour + Direct Expenses =
100. Transport expenses and freight and carriage pertaining to the purchase of plant and machinery is _______ expenditure


1. 1904 Act 51. Narasimham Committee
2. SCU 52. RBI
3. General Body 53. 26-03-2004
4. Federal 54. Deputy Governor of RBI
5. KSCARDB 55. Marginal Standing Facility Rate
6. AR & AD 56. Standard Asset
7. Societies Registration Act 1860 57. 11-04-2016
8. 17-02-1977 58. Demonetisation
9. Germany 59. NPCI
10. Non-Agricultural Credit Society 60. Sixty Days
11. KSCB 61. DICGC
12. T T Krishnanachari, 1965 62. Hilton Young Commission
13. Cochin Co-operative Institute 63. RBI
14. VAMNICOM 64. 01-04-1989
15. 1982 65. Rs.50,000
16. NCDC 66. Nachiketh Mor Commission
17. Deputy Governor of RBI 67. Stale Cheque
18. Raiffeisen 68. Restrictive
19. Great Leap Forward 69. Bill of Exchange, Bill of Exchange
20. NABARD 70. Section 9
21. KSCB 71. Chronological Order
22. M Krishnan Nair 72. Agent and Principle
23. 1899 73. Rule 81
24. NABARD 74. Indemnifier
25. Section 39(2) 75. Risk Management
26. National Horticulture Research and Development Foundation 76. Convention of Conservatism
27. MD 77. Revenue
28. Gorhan 78. Over-riding
29. Nine 79. Voucher
30. 2009 80. Ledger
31. Paid up share capital 81. Trading
32. Section 7(1)(c) 82. Cost of Sales
33. Sixteen 83. P&L Account
34. Fifteen Days 84. Commission
35. Registrar 85. Semi variable cost
36. 100 86. Subscribed Capital
37. Rule 53(2)(a) 87. Loaded Price
38. 8(c) 88. Liability
39. One Year 89. Dogly Goodwill
40. Original 90. Trade Discount
41. 14B 91. Legacy
42. Rule 127 92. Five
43. Rule 7 93. Any time
44. Rule 2(e) 94. Journal
45. Section 19B 95. Provision
46. Rule 53(ba) 96. Asset
47. Rule 74 97. P&L Account
48. Government 98. Cost
49. Rule 44 99. Prime Cost
50. One Month 100. Revenue

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